I offer one-on-one counseling for individuals – These private sessions cover spiritual advice, prayers, and treatments for full transformation, finding your life purpose, ongoing personal challenges in relationships, work, business and health, resolving difficult situations, making important choices, and gaining more understanding of your spiritual path and the steps you can take towards your healing and empowerment.
How to schedule an appointment
At this time, I am only offering counseling sessions remotely through phone or zoom. If you wish to discuss other ways to connect with me, please contact me!
Appointments should be paid in cash, paypal or as previously arranged, prior to the day of our appointment. If you would like to pay through Venmo, please contact me.
To schedule a counseling session, please send me a request through the contact form on my Contact Me page.
After I have responded and we have set up a day/time for the session, please pay for the session in advance. You are welcome to use paypal by clicking the Buy Now link below.
Please review my refund policy before you pay.
How to prepare for a counseling appointment
I encourage clients to bring a list of questions they wish to have answered to the session.
Please find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and be undisturbed during your counseling session. If possible, please spend the 15 minutes prior to our appointment in meditation or silent prayer. It is easier for the Spirit of God to shine through an atmosphere of peace and calm.
I look forward to hearing from you!